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Books Free Download The Robber Bride

Books Free Download The Robber Bride
The Robber Bride Paperback | Pages: 528 pages
Rating: 3.83 | 38183 Users | 2134 Reviews

Define About Books The Robber Bride

Title:The Robber Bride
Author:Margaret Atwood
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 528 pages
Published:January 20th 1998 by Anchor (first published 1993)
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. Canada. Contemporary. Literary Fiction. Literature. Novels. Feminism

Interpretation Supposing Books The Robber Bride

Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride is inspired by "The Robber Bridegroom," a wonderfully grisly tale from the Brothers Grimm in which an evil groom lures three maidens into his lair and devours them, one by one. But in her version, Atwood brilliantly recasts the monster as Zenia, a villainess of demonic proportions, and sets her loose in the lives of three friends, Tony, Charis, and Roz. All three "have lost men, spirit, money, and time to their old college acquaintance, Zenia. At various times, and in various emotional disguises, Zenia has insinuated her way into their lives and practically demolished them. To Tony, who almost lost her husband and jeopardized her academic career, Zenia is 'a lurking enemy commando.' To Roz, who did lose her husband and almost her magazine, Zenia is 'a cold and treacherous bitch.' To Charis, who lost a boyfriend, quarts of vegetable juice and some pet chickens, Zenia is a kind of zombie, maybe 'soulless'" (Lorrie Moore, New York Times Book Review). In love and war, illusion and deceit, Zenia's subterranean malevolence takes us deep into her enemies' pasts.

Be Specific About Books To The Robber Bride

Original Title: The Robber Bride
ISBN: 0385491034 (ISBN13: 9780385491037)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Zenia
Literary Awards: Governor General's
Literary Awards: / Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général Nominee for Fiction (1994), Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best Book in Caribbean and Canada (1994), Trillium Book Award (1994), Canadian Authors Association Award for Fiction (1994), James Tiptree Jr. Award Honor List (1993)

Rating About Books The Robber Bride
Ratings: 3.83 From 38183 Users | 2134 Reviews

Rate About Books The Robber Bride
Oh. Margaret, why hath thou forsaken me? This book sucked! Two stars is just me being generous, because it's Margaret Atwood. This was a boring daytime soap opera. It could have been written by Danielle Steele. Where is the feminism? Where is the sarcasm? The satire? The point? This far-fetched novel is about some desperately evil chick who emotionally tortures 3 women over 3 decades for no apparent reason other than she enjoys it. I couldn't be more bored and had to force myself to read it,

"Every ending is arbitrary, because the end is where you write The end. A period, a dot of punctuation, a point of stasis. A pinprick in the paper: you could put your eye to it and see through, to the other side, to the beginning of something else. Or, as Tony says to her students, Time is not a solid, like wood, but a fluid, like water or the wind. It doesn't come neatly cut into even-sized length, into decades and centuries. Nevertheless, for our purposes we have to pretend it does. The end of

This novel was different from how I thought it would be. Instead of focusing on Zenia, the undeniable villain of the piece, it focuses on the lives, thoughts, and reactions of the three regular (but very different) women who are affected by her. In the course of reading this 470-page tome, these women began to feel unusually real to me--this morning while I was supposed to be meditating, I was instead thinking about how Tony behaved in her big confrontation with Zenia and what she should have

I like a number of Margaret Atwood's works but not this one. It was like a Lifetime movie without the benefit of Tori Spelling and a fun, melodramatic plotline. Oh, the plotline was melodramatic all right but it was far from fun or even insightful. Three friends (all of them stereotypes of the post-feminist era) have dramatic encounters with an almost mythic creature/woman named Zenia who embodies all of the "negative" qualities in a woman, namely ruthlessness, lust and wandering passion. This

Charis, Roz and Tony: Three very different women, leading three very different lives what binds them together is their shared history attending the same college and their shared experiences of a fourth the dangerous, enigmatic and poisonous Zenia and the part(s) she plays in all their lives.In the hands of a less accomplished author than Margaret Atwood such a foundation as this for a novel would undoubtedly have resulted in something clichéd, pedestrian though sensationalist and ultimately

All this drama over these three losers? I just don't get it. I really don't understand women who find out that their husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends are cheating then go ballistic on the other women. What? The "other woman" is irrelevant, she took no vows, made no commitments, did not pledge her undying (faithful) love to you, the partner did. Really that's beside the point, just couldn't resist a mini-rant.I actually related to all four women as I seem to have met each of them at some point in

Everybody in this novel has a motive for killing Zenia and that is the point, or at least, one of the points. Zenia is a dark, malevolent force one of those people we desire in the dark, middle of the forest nightmare spaces in the black pits of our souls. She is the one who knows our secret desires and who uses them against us to bring about our own undoing. At least, we would like to believe it is our undoing she seeks and that she is the agent that brings it about. But that is the thing


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