Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Online Books Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! Download Free

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ISBN: 0982816308 (ISBN13: 9780982816301)
Edition Language: English
Online Books Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!  Download Free
Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! Paperback | Pages: 182 pages
Rating: 4.2 | 181 Users | 24 Reviews

Identify Containing Books Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!

Title:Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!
Author:Celso Cukierkorn
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 182 pages
Published:2010 by Adat Achim Synagogue
Categories:Currency. Money. Economics. Finance. Literature. Jewish

Description Supposing Books Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!

Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! A roadmap to financial prosperity, was written to assist anyone who wishes to prosper and live the American dream. Blending humor, personal anecdotes, proverbial wisdom, and biblical references, Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! is a readable guide towards achieving prosperity throughout life's various stages. Rabbi Celso blends Godly wisdom and common sense, offering practical solutions that the Jewish people have used for thousands of years to build and strengthen their financial standing. He also highlights the pitfalls of many of our culture's poor spending habits, even though they've become accepted practices in today's world. "It makes no sense that someone would volunteer to be a slave, but that's exactly what's happening in the United States today," says Rabbi Celso. "Far too many people are signing up to become slaves to their credit card companies." Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed! is a program of simple, but essential steps that Rabbi Celso believes will forever change the way people look at their finances, and handle their money. He discloses the eternal truths behind the oldest financial system in history, the one that has survived the test of time: the Jewish approach to financial management.

Rating Containing Books Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!
Ratings: 4.2 From 181 Users | 24 Reviews

Judgment Containing Books Secrets of Jewish Wealth Revealed!
NIce clear and concise advice. Could have done with some more Tora quotes though, that was my main reason for picking up this book.

NIce clear and concise advice. Could have done with some more Tora quotes though, that was my main reason for picking up this book.

Good introductory book regarding Jewish culture and the innovative thought process of their people concerning wealth. I was able to glean tidbits here and there but for a more in depth study I reccommnend The Jewish Phenomenon.

Nice advicesThis book contains a lot of financial advices to help one to rethink their financial needs. Quoting words from bible to relates to the current consumer's spending methods and how to refrain oneself from overspending.

La información contenida en este libro es fantástica. Nos dice como acumular los medios económicos necesarios para nuestro retiro, y además nos guía en como vivir nuestra vida dentro de los límites de nuestros ingresos.

I can see that I am ready to put God's words into practice. I have even recommended the book to my church book club. As I have heard, and now I feel, words from the heart- go to the heart.

Must readMany things in this book I already knew, but if only I had known them years ago. Read this this when you are young and it could change your life.


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